Title of the paper | Journal of publication | Year | ISSN No | Vol No. | Page Range | Issue | DOI |
Social heterogeneity in urban India: a case study on five selected metropolitan cities | SN Social Sciences | 2021 | 10.1007/s43545-021-00231-5 | | | | |
Dilemmas of social distancing practice during the Covid-19 pandemic in India | JOURNAL OF HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1080/10911359.2020.1823293, | | | | |
The impact of COVID-19 induced lockdown on the changes of air quality and land surface temperature in Kolkata city, India | Spatial Information Research | 2020 | https://doi.org/10.1007/s41324-020-00372-4 | | | | |
Kaleidoscope of Real Estate Development and the Role of Gatekeepers in Bolpur town, Birbhum district, West Bengal | Regional Science | 2018 | 0046-9017 | L | | | |
The Urban Social Fabric of the City of Asansol, West Bengal | Indian Journal of Spatial Science | 2018 | 2249 - 3921 | 9 | | | |